The Full Rulebook can be found Here:
Pre-game Information
Have your players wear the same color uniforms (no numbers or names required) and an alternate color jersey just in case two teams are the same. Goalies will wear the opposite color of their players on the field.
Indoor or tennis shoes are best. Outdoor rubber cleats will be allowed. Players wearing improper indoor or outdoor may not be permitted to play.
Shin guards are recommended but not required.
Fair Play Rule
Any team trailing by four or more goals may add an additional player to the field (no more than one extra player may be added in this way. The trailing team is not required to add this player).
Once the team trails by three or less goals, the extra player will be removed from the field.
Game Management / Forfeits
The clock only stops for serious injuries or games that are at a differential of one goal or less while there is less than one minute of play remaining in the 2nd half or overtime.
There is a one-minute rest time between periods. Please be aware of this constraint. Clock may start immediately after this one minute rest period.
Teams who fail to show up on time automatically forfeit. Be respectful of your opponents and their time by showing up on time to your games. Warm-up time may be waived if games are behind to ensure games are as close to on-time as possible.
Games are only cancelled due to bad weather or other unpredictable/uncontrollable disasters. If at any time your feel weather conditions are prohibiting you from traveling safely, please do not travel to your game.
Please visit out weather page for any changes regarding your league.
Goalkeeper Rules
No goal kicks during youth league games. When a goal kick is rewarded, the referee will instruct the keeper to distribute the ball from his hands. The referee will not blow the whistle to restart play in most cases. No hands after the goalie distributes the ball. They may not use their hands again until an opposing player touches the ball first or a whistle stops play. Goalie has the entire box, offensive players must be clear of the box.
Goalies can dribble the ball inside their goal area and pick it up when hands are available.
Goalies may use their hands once after having possessed the ball.
- Example: GK saves a shot and then rolls the ball to their defender who then passes the ball back to the GK. Because the goalie had possession of the ball and then the ball released the ball, he/she may not use their hands again until an opposing player touches first or a whistle to stop play.
Goalies may bounce the ball and use their hands. Judgement on when a goalie loses control and would not be allowed to pick it up is passed down by the official.
Substitutions & Free Kick
All free kicks are direct. The only exceptions are Kindergarten and First Grade Leagues at the Manchester location (See exceptions under "Kindergarten and First Grade Leagues).
Substitutions are allowed on the fly or during any dead ball situation. The referee may give permission first and has the authority to waive off a substitution request by the team without the ball should they feel the team with the free kick has an advantage or wants a fast restart.
A two-minute penalty may be given for too many players on the field, but it is up to each official to decide on a penalty or just a warning.
As teams of younger players sometimes go long periods without breaks in play, the ref may whistle and stop play simply to help get subs in and out.
Rosters, Scores, & Standings
Each player must fill out a roster form with their parent's signature and turn it in by the first game. This form can be filled out online. Failure to fill our this form will result in a player being unable to view their schedule or standing in their league.
Roster changes may be made up to the start of the third game. Roster checks can only go under an official protest before the start of the game. The coach must inform the referee. All after-the-fact prostest will not be recognized (with the exception of players entering the field after the start of the game if they were not present for the game's start).
Game scores and standings will be available on your Vetta Sports Online account. Winning team must contact Vetta with incorrect scores to the correct facility before final standings are posted.
Vetta recognizes rosters by Grade or Age. Exceptions must be approved by your league director. Management may refuse a player's entry into a league for any reason.
Players can not play on dual rosters if both teams are in the same bracket. Exceptions to this must be approved of by your league director before the league begins.
Number of Coaches
Only two coaches allowed on each bench. One coach is allowed on the field for Kindergarten leagues only. One coach my be permitted onto the field for First Grade leagues given that both team's coaches agree to it.
Youth Head Ball Rulings
Vetta Sports follows SLYSA and US Soccer for league play. 2010 birth year leagues, U11, 5th Grader leagues, or younger will not be allowed to intentionally head the ball.
Past this, no intentional head balls allowed. Must be under control of their body and have a reasonable time to react to be considered a foul (official's discretion). Deflection or blocked shots would not be considered a violation of this rule. When called by the official, a simple direct restart takes place at the point of the infraction.
If the head ball occurs in the box by the defending team and the official feels there was more than reasonable chance that a goal would have occurred, the official may award a penalty kick.
Order of Determining Playoffs
Playoffs are determined in the following ways:
- Most Points.
- Direct Head to Head.
- Least Goals Against All Opponents During League Play.
- Number of Shutouts in that Session (Including Forfeits).
- Coin Toss or Rock, Paper, Scissors.